Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary

The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to support the comfort and care of our citizens through our financial donations to health care facilities, organizations, and programs in our region.

Our Members

The Auxiliary is made up of members who donate their time to the operation of the Thrift Shop, as well as to other initiatives such as Meals on Wheels, Tea Service and Candy Stripers and Tuck Shop at the Chemainus Health Care Centre.

Thrift Shop

The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop sells donated goods in order to generate revenue for health care donations in our community.


Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop will be open to receive your gently used donations.

Drop Off Hours: Monday-Saturday

8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop will be open to the public.

Shop Hours: Tuesday-Saturday

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

We are looking for volunteers!

If you are able to donate some of your time towards supporting health care in our community, we could use your help:

  • Working in our Thrift Shop, in retail and in the warehouse
  • Serving tea to residents of the Chemainus Heath Care Centre
  • Delivering Meals on Wheels

Applications are available at the Thrift Shop at 9867 Maple Street, Chemainus, or you can download one right HERE 🙂

Who are we?

Through fund raising efforts, Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary provides financial donations to health care facilities and organizations in our community in order to support the ongoing comfort and care of our citizens.

The Auxiliary is made up of members who donate their time to the operation of the Thrift Shop, as well as to other initiatives such as Meals on Wheels, Tea Service and Candy Stripers at the Chemainus Health Care Centre.

Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Volunteers

Thrift Shop

The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop sells donated goods in order to generate revenue for health care donations in our community.  The Thrift Shop not only provides an economical shopping opportunity, but also a place for people in the area to recycle clothing and household goods, thus keeping them out of the landfill.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels provides a hot meal, three times per week, at a nominal cost, to home-bound people in the community including  seniors, individuals with chronic medical conditions, and individuals recovering from surgery, illness, or injury. 

Tea Service

CHCA volunteers provide coffee, tea, or juice and an assortment of snacks to the residents of the Chemainus Health Care Centre five afternoons per week. 

Gift and Tuck Shop

CHCA volunteers supply and maintain a Tuck Shop at the Chemainus Health Care Centre, which provides the residents with snacks and other small essential comfort items.

Memorial Tree

In memory of a loved one, you can add Dogwood leaves and flowers to the Memorial Tree, and your donations will help the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary provide support to health care facilities and organizations in our community.

Candy Stripers

CHCA sponsors and trains youth in Grades 9 through 12 who are interested in volunteering at the Chemainus Health Care Centre.  Their main contribution is socializing with the residents and, at the same time, improving their own communication skills.

Student Bursaries

Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary awards three $5000 bursaries to graduating students who are pursuing a career in the Healthcare field.

re-stocking the shelves at the Thrift Store
Chemainus Health Care auxiliary donate $150,000 cheque
2019 Bursary Recipients
Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Tea Servers
Volunteers: Tea Servers

Rewards of Membership

Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary

Friendship many new friendships and seeing the care and compassion members are so quick to provide when others are in need

Contribution to my community’s wellbeing

Responsibility to maintain integrity in our auxiliary and our community

Success the joy, thrill and sense of reward for being part of a successful organization, building on the vision and work of our earlier members

Pride seeing the commitment of our members to maintain excellence, humour and compassion for those we serve, and because of our high standards, being honoured by our community and beyond for our excellence, hard work and generosity

Susan Beaubier
4 March, 2020

Shirley Hyslop, left, and coordinator Gina Hill

Recent News

Dedicated Sacred Space Room

Dedicated Sacred Space Room

Our Auxiliary has been a long-standing supporter of Cowichan Valley Hospice Society and its valuable work. … we donated as much as we could, $300,000 in this case.

read more

Community Links

BC Health Auxiliary Logo
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Chemainus Festival of Murals Society