Thrift Shop

since 1958
Customer Shopping at Chemainus Thrift Store

The Thrift Shop is the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary’s pride and joy operation!

The Thrift Shop has been in business since 1958, and is the main source of revenue for our Auxiliary.  We have an excellent reputation all over Vancouver Island as “the place to go” for quality second hand goods at very reasonable prices. Our shop is clean, well organized and it has over 100 dedicated volunteers working tirelessly towards our success.  In addition to sorting, pricing, and selling the many items donated by the community at the shop, some of our volunteers work at home packaging items, sewing and knitting items for sale, checking and repairing items, and so much more!

For our customers, buying “gently used” clothing and household items is not only cost effective, but it also diverts a lot of products from going into the landfills.

Our thrift shop has a wide variety of quality merchandise.  On any given day, you might find a vintage wool blanket, a beautifully framed picture, designer shoes, a garden hoe, the wrapping paper you need – and so much more!

See Inside the Shop


Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop will be open to receive your gently used donations.

Drop Off Hours: Monday-Saturday

8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop will be open to the public.

Shop Hours: Tuesday-Saturday

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

We are looking for volunteers!

If you are able to donate some of your time towards supporting health care in our community, we could use your help:

  • Working in our Thrift Shop, in retail and in the warehouse
  • Serving tea to residents of the Chemainus Heath Care Centre
  • Delivering Meals on Wheels

Applications are available at the Thrift Shop at 9867 Maple Street, Chemainus, or you can download one right HERE 🙂

Thrift Shop

9867 Maple Street
Chemainus, BC
V0R 1K1

Tel: (250) 246-2476


Tuesday: 10am to 4pm
Wednesday: 10am to 4pm
Thursday: 10am to 4pm
Friday: 10am to 4pm
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed

Drop off Times for Donations

Monday to Saturday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Follow us on Facebook for Updates and Specials

Our Facebook News

We will be open tomorrow for drop off donations! and we plan to be open starting tuesday. Be careful out there. ... See MoreSee Less

Warehouse Intake

Our Thrift Shop would not be as successful without the support of the residents of Chemainus and surrounding areas.  Your generous donations of clothing and goods to the Thrift Shop enable us to provide funds that purchase much needed medical equipment and provide important health care programs in our area.

Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Warehouse Intake

Sorting and Pricing

Because all our shop’s merchandise comes from donations, we ask that donated items be clean, dry and in good repair. 

Volunteers accept incoming goods, check for damage and acceptable quality, and place the product in the appropriate location for pricing.  After a second check, items are priced, using established guidelines, and then distributed for sale throughout the shop.

We take pride in offering our customers quality goods!

Donations (Items we CANNOT accept)

There are some items that we cannot accept due to government regulations, recalls, and lack of storage. Below is the list of donated items that we cannot accept:

  • Encyclopaedias and Text Books
  • Stereo Components and Speakers
  • VHS Tapes (NEW Now Accepting: DVD’s, CD’s, Records, Cassettes, LP’s)
  • Old TVs (Flat screen TVs are accepted) 
  • Computers & Equipment
  • CD Holders
  • Large Exercise Equipment
  • Old Hockey Gear (>10 years)
  • Helmets of any kind
  • Life Jackets (outdated, moldy)
  • Bullets
  • Flammables: propane, butane, lamp oil, etc.
  • Medications
  • Paint
  • Dirty or Chipped China/Dishes
  • Glass Jars (other than canning jars)
  • Old Style Suitcases
  • Venetian Blinds
  • Ironing Boards
  • Heating Pads, Electric Blankets or Foot Baths
  • Broken/Dirty Kitchen Appliances
  • Baby strollers or car seats
  • Baby gates, highchairs, cribs or playpens
  • Large Furniture Pieces
  • Xmas Trees (we accept them November and December only)
  • Collectable Dolls or Porcelain Dolls
Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store Cashiers
Friendly Staff
Sorting new merchandise at the Thrift Store
Thrift Store Christmas Room
Russ, Sports Dept.
Melody, Manager & Jade, Assistant Manager
Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop
Clothing in Thrift Store
Thrift Store Handbags

Environmental Impact

Thrift shops play a huge role in recycling, in more ways than you can imagine. It begins with the donation of quality goods brought to us by the public. This helps to keep items out of the landfills, and therefore saves energy on the manufacture, packaging and shipping of new items.

In turn, our thrift shop resells these donated items, giving them a new life, or a new purpose. By buying gently used clothing, you are helping to decrease the worldwide textile demand, and subsequent waste.

Some clothing items we are unable to sell are donated to Warmland House and Outreach, while others are repurposed for crafts, petcare, or use by our hard working trades people.

In cases where we are unable to sell/use certain items, they may be donated to Salvation Army, again keeping these items out of landfills. We also do our best to recycle all unsold plastics, glass, and paper sending them to recycling centers on the island.

2019 Golden Brush Award

2019 Golden Brush Business Excellence Award

The Golden Brush Awards honour excellence and outstanding achievement in business and community participation within Chemainus, Saltair or Crofton.

The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop was awarded the Golden Brush Award in 2019 for the “Not for Profit” of the Year by the Chemainus & District Chamber of Commerce.